I'm a sentimental little chap and its gotten worse since Logan was born. I hate giving away his old clothes and I wish I could keep them all. There were a few of his first babygrows that I just couldn't bring myself to give away so I kept them in a drawer in his room for a 'special occasion' and that special occasion came in the form of the super talented Lucia at Bizi & Bea.
When I asked if she could make me something special she was more than happy to help. I sent her 8 (well 16 actually but we'll not dwell on that, stupid postal service!) items of Logan's old stuff and she has transformed them into the most gorgeous cushion and bunny.

I am in awe of Lucia's talent, I can't sew a button so it astounds me that someone can take a heap of old clothes and make them so beautiful. The quality is exactly what you would expect from a skilled professional. The cushion is sewn together extremely well and it's really plump (I hate cushions with barely any stuffing) Lucia was originally only going to make a cushion but since she had enough material left she made a little bunny too and I absolutely adore it. I love everything from the floppy ears to the 'random' placement of the different fabrics and the little bow on the bum!
Bizi & Bea produce all sorts of great items. From King Size covers to Cot Bed blankets. I think it is a fantastic way to utilise your little ones clothes and you can turn them into a beautiful piece that you can keep forever. The pricing is very competitive. Before I received the items I thought it might be a bit expensive but when you see the quality of the items and the work that must have gone into it the price is completely justified. The cushion is currently £25 and the bear is £55. The rabbit Lucia made me is a new design which will feature on the website shortly and will be slightly cheaper than the bears. Even though my rabbit is smaller than the bears, I wouldn't grudge paying £55 for it, it really is that great!
Check out her website for a wonderful gallery and a full price list: www.Biziand Bea.com
Or have a look at her facebook page www.facebook.com/biziandbea and it won't hurt to give her a like!
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