When we first moved into our flat we had a huge mix-up with sofa's, after waiting 6 weeks for our sofa to be made then being told it would take another 4 weeks I gave up hope, cancelled our order and needed a sofa right away. Instead of just waiting the extra 4 week I cancelled the order and headed straight to Ikea to get a sofa immediately. Unfortunately it wasn't the greatest quality at the time and after 2 years the cushions have flattened to nothing and the cat has clawed the life out of it. Although Next might not be at the front of your mind when you think of buying a sofa they have a fantastic high quality range of sofa's and living room furniture. I love the corner sofas and the range of fabrics they have. I would love this Stamford Corner Sofa and I would chose a few of these Grey and Red Knitted Cushions to go with it.

I love Next for staple pieces and I would love to add these Black Thigh Boots to my shoe collection. I tend to wear the same pair of shoes over and over again till the fall apart them move on to another pair. I would love these boots to add a bit of variety. I also love the Knitwear section, they always have loads of lovely jumpers, great quality at decent prices. This Aztec Lace Sleeve Sweater is just one of my favourites.
I couldn't have a Wishlist without adding in a few pieces for Logan. I love the fabrics and colours Next use in some of their baby ranges. These Navy Stars and Stripes Sleepsuits are really gorgeous and would be ideal for Logan, he's just about to go into the next size clothes, aaaagggghhh 9-12 Months :((( and these are definitely on my list. I just think this jumper is adorable. I'm not a huge fan of slogans and pictures on baby clothes, I like Logan's stuff quite plain, its just a personal preference, but I do love this Grey Bear Jumper. The vast majority of Logan's wardrobe is Grey and Navy so this jumper would fit right in.
Just a little selection of some the stuff I am loving from Next at the moment. Is it a store you shop in a lot? What's your favourite piece?
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