Friday, 20 February 2015

Weaning Essentials

Now that we're quite far into our weaning journey I thought I'd give you my top 5 Weaning Essentials. There are a lot of things on the market these days to help you through the nervous and scary journey into food with your little on. Here are some of the things I found really useful.

Patience -  I know its not something you can physically buy but its something any mother who's been through weaning will tell you, you need. Wither you're trying Baby Led Weaning or Puree or a mixture of both you need to let your baby explore and learn in their own time. Its not something they'll get over night. However it can sometimes get quite frustrating when they're taking their time. Just be patient.

1. Cow and Gate Friends - Cow and Gate have really been a savior for me. Not only is there 5 Step Weaning plan really useful, a review of which you can find here, but they have also created these great
 pouches of simple vegetables to get your little one accustomed to vegetables. Start with one spoonful of a simple vegetable and let your baby learn about the different tastes.

2. Food Processor - At first I tried to puree my own foods without a food processor and it was bloody hard. Then my mum miraculously found one in her cupboard that she gave us and it made everything ten times easier. It was super easy to blend everything right down and as our journey progressed it was easy to slice, dice and grate any ingredients I needed.

3. Freezer Pots - these are essential if you're making all your food by hand and freezing them. I started out with a nifty little tray that we got from our Health Visitor, I ended up buying 4 packs of these little tubs from Tesco. They hold a great amount and are perfect for freezing and a lot cheaper than some of the weaning specific ones you get.

4. Bibs - We tried a few different bibs before we settled on these from Babi Pur. They are a similar design to the popular Tommi Tippee ones with a food catcher at the bottom, but these are much easier to work with and Logan didn't hate these round his neck. They are also really easy to keep clean.

5. High Chair - There are a million and one different makes and models of high chairs out but its essential that fits for you and you're little one. Being pretty sparse on space, we chose one that folds down pretty slim and easily cleaned.

6. Good Equipment - It's an in-joke between Gavin and I that I have good equipment (something quite a few nurses told me in the hospital when I was breastfeeding ;)) These spoons have joined my list of good equipment. It's good to have something soft tipped to help your little one to learn to pull the food off the end of the spoon without damaging their gums or teeth.

That's my list of weaning essentials, is there anything you would add to the list? What's the one item you would advise any new parent, on the start of their weaning journey, to get?

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