Wednesday, 6 August 2014

My Best Friend #BEDAOutmumbered

My best friend is my soul mate. I believe your heart is split in two and your soul is 
split in two and you're set on this earth to find the other halves. Gavin may be the other half of my heart but Erin is the other half to my soul. 

I can't even say she 'gets me' because she is me. Everything I think, everything I like, everything I do, everything I say she thinks/likes/does/says too. I know she would do anything to help me and make me happy and I would do the same for her. She has been my best friend since we were 13 and I could count in one hand the days that have gone by where I haven't spoken to her. She's is my rock. If I haven't bigged her up enough go over and check out how wonderful she is at reviewing books. Her reviews are only so good because she has such a great editor ;) 

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love Kings of Leon! Thank you for the great list! I will add some of these to mine!
