Tuesday, 24 June 2014

My 5 Newborn Must Haves

1. Although Logan's cot has been set up in his room since long before he was born he is still sleeping in his Moses basket in our bedroom. I know there are mixed views on when a little one should sleep in their own room. While most health professionals advise keeping them in your own room till they are 6 months old, I'm not sure I agree with this. I think within the next few weeks Logan will be going into his own room, but for the first 11 weeks I have loved having him in his basket beside my bed, so I know if anything goes wrong he is right beside me.

2. The Baby Bjorn carrier has been a godsend for us. From the word go Logan has always preferred being held up high, able to see the world. He's content to sit on his own, in his bouncy chair, for about 20 minutes, any longer and he starts to moan and its unrealistic to carry a 6kg baby about all day. So the answer to our prayers was the carrier. 5 minutes after he's put in the carrier he is usually asleep. I sometimes find my back getting a little sore after he's been in it for half an hour or so, but id much prefer that to carrying him around for hours.

3. While an Isofix base might not be a necessity for everyone, for a couple who use the car a lot it was definitely a necessity for us. Its so easy to put him in his chair and within seconds he is safe and secure in the car with just a few clicks. I don't have to worry about fixing seat belts and twisting about in the back of the car trying to get it sorted, especially if its raining. 

4. At first I thought the Aden & Anais blankets might just be a gimicky product that were only popular because of all the celebrity Mummies & Daddies that had them but when I was asked by Aunts & Uncles what else we needed, and couldn't think of anything else we needed I decided we could try them and see what all the fuss is about. I must say I LOVE THEM. I honestly don't know what we would have done without them. They can be used for a whole host of things but I mostly use them for swaddling at night. You might think £45 for wrapping him up at night, surely you could you a blanket from Tesco for a fraction of the price. NOPE! Nothing is nearly as easy, comfortable and successful as these blankets and the quality is second to none. I love them so much I'm contemplating buying another pack. I don't need them, but I want them.

5. Ok this is a bit of a cheat, its not really an essential item for a newborn, but I think I might have torn my hair out without my G-Tech sweeper. You will read everywhere and hear from everyone that house work can wait. Just leave the washing, let the ironing pile up for the first few months. Now while I'm more than happy to leave the ironing piling up for months on end its slightly unrealistic to do no housework, so anything that makes doing the basics any easier is great in my books. It takes me all of 2 minutes to dash around the floors with this light, electric sweeper and the floors look clean and dust free. 

Any suggestions of anything else I can add to my list of essentials that you can't live without?

Kirsty x

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